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Areas of Service


Our Area

Distance is not an issue!

Down bellow we detail the locations we cover and what customers can expect in terms of our training in the region.  If you have any additional questions always welcome yourself to calling or emailing as we will gladly address any concerns you may have.

Check Your Location to See How Your Training is Done

Vegreville and Area

(Hairy Hill, Mundare, Innisfree, Two Hills)

Any students living within Vegreville we will pick up at your home.  However, for those living in the immediate surrounding area we ask you come to Vegreville to a pre-arranged pick-up and drop-off place that will be set up upon registration.


For students living in Andrew and we ask you meet us in Mundare for pick up and drop off as training will be completed within Vegreville.

St. Paul

(Two Hills, Sattle Lake, Elk Point)

For students living in St. Paul we will pick you up at your home and then commence training within St. Paul.  For those living in the surrounding area we will first arrange a place for pick up and drop off that works best for instructor and student.


(Holden, Ryley)

We conduct driver's training instruction in Tofield, therefore, like students in Vegreville, if you live in Tofield we will pick you up at your home and then commence training.  Then for those living in the surrounding area we will first arrange a place for pick up and drop off.


(Mannville, Kitscoty)

For students living in Vermillion we will pick you up at your home and then commence training within Vermillion.  For those living in the surrounding area we will first arrange a place for pick up and drop off.  Specifically, for students in Mannville we will first pick you up in Mannville and then take you to train in Vermillion, and for those from Kitscoty we ask you meet us in Vermillion please.


(Bruce, Killam)

For students living in Viking we will pick you up at your home and then commence training.  For those living in the surrounding area we will first arrange a place for pick up and drop off that works best for instructor and student.  Training will be done in Viking so students from Killam we ask to meet us in Viking please.

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